Monday, 28 September 2015

Robert M. Pope of New London, CT Feared His Father Would Make the Ultimate Sacrifice

United States military leaders had opted to believe, in the months before the TET Offensive, that the tide of the Vietnam conflict would turn as the numbers of killed and captured enemy depleted the numbers of communist forces available to mount successful fighting efforts.  Adjusted estimates of communist fighting forces reflecting a vastly higher fighting force than previously thought emerged from the CIA in 1967, causing concerns about the political ramifications with the American people, and for Robert M. Pope, whose father was a Naval officer.

Robert M Pope New London CT

A battle of wording ensued between the CIA and the Military Assistance Command of Vietnam regarding the number of opposing forces, with the CIA eventually yielding to what was a ‘political’ problem.  45% of Americans now believed the Vietnam War was a mistake, and could see no end to the war, and a poll in November of 1967 indicated that 55% now believed the war was a mistake, and that the military should either win, or get out.  The reaction of the administration in Washington D.C. was to change public perception by asserting that the U.S. and South Vietnamese forces were winning, and progress was being made.  General Bruce Palmer, a Field Force commander under General William Westmoreland, had claimed that the Viet Cong…“had been defeated, that he could not get food, he could not recruit, and was reduced to trying to survive in the mountains”.  MACV General Westmoreland went so far as to assert, “I hope they try something because we are looking for a fight.” 
In this atmosphere Robert M Pope New London CT father prepared for Vietnam.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Robert M. Pope Considers Architectural Drafting as a Career

Robert M. Pope of New London, CT planned to become an architectural draftsman after high school, and had been accepted at the Porter & Chester Technical Institute.  A technical school in Connecticut and Massachusetts, Porter & Chester offers various career programs, including architectural drafting.  Porter & Chesterfield was originally founded in 1946 as the Porter School of Engineering Design.  The merger of the Porter School with the Chester Institute of Technical Education brought the curriculum and operations of the two facilities into synchrony, and various campuses were later throughout the two states.  Robert M. Pope attended Porter & Chester, which was awarded the School of Excellence Award in 2009.

Robert M Pope New London CT

Creating detailed drawings and miniature models for use in building structures is the business of architectural drafting and design.  It is only one of several fields of study related to engineering and architecture.  Creative people like Robert M. Pope combine mathematics, technology and artistic skill in the study of architectural drafting, and bend their talents toward building components which require layouts, sketches and complex design elements.  2-year programs for associate’s degrees in drafting include architectural sketching, drafting, construction, and design and structural concept.   A degree in architectural drafting would lead Robert M. Pope to a variety of areas of employment, including design firms, construction companies, and work in civil engineering.  Working hours in front of a computer is part of the technical instruction in computer-aided drafting, and Pope would have been in demand at architecture design firms and in site construction.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Robert M. Pope of New London, CT - Travelling around the World

Robert M. Pope was what is known as a military brat, the son of a Naval officer who moved frequently as his father was stationed in various naval billets.  From Newport, RI to Key West to Hawaii, Chicago to Charleston, South Carolina to Wales, England and back to Mayport and Jacksonville, FL, Robert M. Pope endured the good and the bad of traveling around the world as a son of the US military.  An estimate of between 9 and 12 million military brats is probably not an exaggeration, as a military brat is defined as any person who grew up in a military family and moved frequently from installation to installation, with one or both parents enlisted from 10 to 30 years or more.

Robert M Pope New London CT

Robert M. Pope of New London, CT learned first-hand of the hard life of the military brat.  Robert’s adoptive father was a career Naval officer, and Robert learned the hard lessons of moving from installation to installation, making friends and losing them, learning new schools only to move and have to learn another one, and the fears of the danger his father faced as he fought in the TET offensive of Vietnam.

As a child, Robert M Pope New London CT came to understand the sacrifice necessary for a military man to provide a good life for his children, as the life is very hard on families.  Children of those in the military may suffer more anxiety and depression as adults, due to the toll on them from the constant moves, absence of one or both parents, and stress of being in new situations on an ongoing basis.

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Why We Grow the way we Do

Throughout your life, you will go through many different phases and changes that alter you as a person, both physically and mentally. This goes to show you that God has a plan for His children. As a missionary or a priest, it is your job to point out these clues that God has left, to help show them to those who may have missed them otherwise. Learning and education is one of the greatest avenues to God, as He has set many examples and trails to follow that lead directly to Him.

Robert M Pope New London CT 

 It speaks to how amazing God is that even after all of these years life still manages to surprise people and teach them something new. The growing process is necessary to prevent an overload of information, as God brings you in gradually to the light, instead of abruptly. The reason why we grow is because we simply would not be capable of taking in all the grace that is God all at once, which is why He sets clues and boundaries that you slowly overcome to gain a better understanding. Life's journey is a long one, one where you will constantly grow and learn, shift and change, much like the world around us. 

Robert M Pope New London CT has dedicated himself to spreading the message about the grace of God, something he says is always changing. He says doing so is one of the most rewarding parts of his new life. He says that working for the Church is very fulfilling and even demanding, mostly because he is always learning something new about himself and God respectively.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

New London, CT Begins Life As A Whaling Port - Robert M. Pope

Robert M. Pope is native to New London, CT, where he lives today.  A seaport city, New London was originally called Nameaug by the Native American Pequot tribe who were the original inhabitants.  After John Winthrop Jr. created an English settlement there in 1646, the naming of the English town became a point of contention.  Residents called their town Pequot, honoring the original natives.  The Connecticut General Assembly tried to name the town Faire Harbour, but English residents declared they would rather call it Nameaug.  They did not prevail however, as the village was officially dubbed New London in 1658, apparently a nod to the old country capital of London, England.  The importance of New London as a hub of commerce was determined by the location on the mouth of the Thames River, located at the center distance between the ports of New York City, NY (128 miles) and Boston, MA (107 miles).   A busy port of entry, New London began its commercial life as a whaling port, and the riches brought into the city by the whaling industry paid for the architecture which is still extant today. 

Robert M Pope New London CT

New London CT paid a price for being central to the cause of the Revolutionary War: the treachery of traitor Benedict Arnold resulted in New London nearly burning to the ground in 1781, as Arnold betrayed information regarding the navy goods stored at the harbor, and caused the defeat of Fort Trumbull and Fort Griswold, the Revolutionary defensive bastions of New London CT and its harbor. For More Information Visit at

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

How to Embrace the Moment

There are times in all of our lives and moments that will go on to alter the whole timeline forever. These moments shape us and help us to grow in the coming years, preparing us to be reunited with God. This is the very purpose of these moments, whether it is a child smiling or a beautiful sunset over the ocean. We all experience those quiet moments that give us a better understanding of the world around us. God put us on this Earth not just to learn, but to enjoy the gift of life, as each day is an amazing journey waiting for you to explore it. All of it is done by God, made with a specific design and intent in mind, to enjoy! 

Robert M Pope New London CT

Though God gave us life to prepare us for His grace, there is another purpose as well that you shouldn't forget. God works in very mysterious ways, and always amazes people in one form or another, no matter how much they think that they know about him. 

Life is mainly an adventure. It is special moments like these that bring us all closer to God and gives us a better idea of His grace and depth. When it is all said and done, you can and most likely will forget all of the little details of life. But not those special moments and meaningful occasions that stick out to all of the dull, everyday moments of life.  

Robert M Pope is a resident of New London CT who now spends his spare time helping to spread the word and grace of God. He takes in as many moments as he can to remember.