Thursday, 21 February 2013

Robert Pope Understands the Importance of Training

When starting a new job, one of the most important things to your success is the training that you receive. Without it, you are simply left in the dark and cannot perform the tasks that you are asked to do. More importantly, when working on a construction site, you could be left out in the cold about correct safety procedures to follow, and possibly end up injuring yourself or others. 

Robert Pope works in the safety industry. Safety is his number one goal, and that usually starts with the correct training. Robert understands that you cannot follow the correct guidelines to ensure the safety of yourself and others without being told how and what to do. Robert Pope provides safety training. He also runs new employee safety orientations, making sure everyone who steps foot on the job site knows what to do, and not to do, to better protect themselves from an on-site injury. He believes that the best way to teach people is at the start, since the hazard of a construction site starts the moment you arrive. 

Along with correct training, Robert Pope makes sure to review and edit existing safety programs of a company to make sure that they are reaching their maximum efficiency of safety. Without amending the rules on safety for a growing and changing company, some possible hazards would be missed and possible injuries could occur no matter how trained the workers are. Robert Pope makes sure things like that do not happen, and has even provided his own system to report and track the ongoing safety performances to management, which in turn minimizes the overall at-risk chances from occurring. Robert Pope’s main goal is to have a working environment that is stress-free, but also injury-free.